“THE INFINITE”To all members of Shri Vidya – Offer everyday morning and evening 5 breaths in and out and 2 minutes silence by the watch to Shri Vidya. To be done for 1 month.
“THE INFINITE”11.11.11 marks the opening of an ascension getaway. The energies in the getaway are the most powerful ones we we’ll be encountering before the new dimension shift happens into 2012. So shed and let go of all your insecurities, let go of rigidity, try to release all the blockages that make you angry and let go of those people and moments… So that once we release our emotional expectations, pain, hurt, trauma, etc., we are able to move to a higher frequency of our deserving power. The Universe has given us only last nine months to shed, shed and only shed and if you still have much to hold on to, then you will enter this getaway with same baggage and still be stuck while others will be walking ahead of you. On the eve of 11.11.11, we can meditate as the energies are going to be very powerful so be more allowing and less judgmental. This is the only chance we are getting to shed the residues, so make the most of it.
Wishing everyone a journey of light into the new getaway.. call upon your angels, ascended masters asking them to hold you as this shift happens.